Contact Us

Contact Us

Get In Touch with Us

If this is an emergency, such as an injured bobcat or Florida panther, or you have found an orphaned bobcat kitten please call 813-493-4564. 

DO NOT CALL if you just have questions, or want us to remove a bobcat or Florida panther.  We do not rescue non cat species. 

For anything other than an EMERGENCY, please use the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that no one can legally relocate bobcats and they excel at keeping your neighborhoods and farms clear of rabies vector vermin.  We can only pick up bobcats who are orphaned or injured and will need exact times, location and a photo to confirm it is really a wildcat.

If you are just excited to have seen a bobcat and want to tell us about it, please give exact location details and photos or video links if you have them in the form below.  Thank You.